SKA News Archive

November 2020

Introducing the new APEX™ Series from Humminbird

Introducing the new APEX™ Series from Humminbird. APEX provides the clearest picture of premium sonar and chart technologies, along with first-class networking capabilities, on the sharpest full-HD display that …


The Big Dog Tackle Kingfish Battle

The Big Dog Tackle Kingfish Battle

There are 2 Weigh In Locations:

The Sands Harbor & Resort , 125 N Riverside Dr, Pompano Beach, FL 33062Sailfish Marina, 98 Lake Dr, Palm Beach Shores, …


Big Dog Tackle Supports First responders and Veterans

Big Dog Tackel Kingfish Battle shows appreciation & support to Medical Professionals, Police, Fire and Military Veterans – essentially our HEROES. The kick off ceremony starts at 8:00 am on Nov. 11th followed by …


Burnewiin Quick Switch Mounts and Accessories
Loadmaster Custom Aluminum Trailers

Member Tools

SiriusXM Marine
Gallagher Charter Lakes Marine Insurance
Fell Marine
Mustang Survival
Rapid Fishing Solutions
Gamefish Vodka
Ocean Tamer Marine Bean Bags
Tuppens Marine & Tackle
Black Rifle Coffee Company
Blue Water Candy Lures

Tournament Trail Partners